The Perfect Trophy

Spiral Horn Slam

Our Spiral Horns

The Grey Ghost

Grey Kudu

The greater Kudu, often referred to as the “grey ghost”, is a very alert and nervous beast. These handsome, majestic, agile antelope are able to appear and disappear from sight in the blink of an eye, despite their size. They have uniquely large radar ears with highly sensitive hearing that detect danger.

The Big Boy

Common Eland

The eland is the largest African antelope, but also the slowest. It can only run about 40 kph (25 mph), but it can jump 3 m (10 ft.) from a standing start. These animals have a smooth reddish-brown to grey coat. Adult males also possess a mat of hair on their forehead that becomes longer and denser as they get older.

The Big Boy

Common Eland

The eland is the largest African antelope, but also the slowest. It can only run about 40 kph (25 mph), but it can jump 3 m (10 ft.) from a standing start. These animals have a smooth reddish-brown to grey coat. Adult males also possess a mat of hair on their forehead that becomes longer and denser as they get older.

The Beauty


The nyala is a beautiful spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa. The coat is maroon or rufous brown in females and juveniles but grows a dark brown or slate grey, often tinged with blue, in adult males. Females and young males have ten or more white stripes on their sides.

The Relative


The Bushbuck is a close relative of the kudu and nyala animals. The bushbuck has a short life expectancy of around 12 years old. They live close to rainforests and rivers, and its sounds like a sharp dog bark.

The Relative


The bushbuck is a close relative of the kudu and nyala animals. The bushbuck has a short life expectancy of around 12 years old. The live close to rain forests and rivers and its sounds like a sharp dog bark.

Our Package

8-Day All Inclusive package (Includes free observer)*

$ 10 900

*The observer shares the same room. Additional cost if observer wants to stay in its own villa. Please require.